
Name: Randy Peh
Age: 17
School: Anglo-Chinese Junior College
Birthday: 25th June 1988


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    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    hihi, emo entry coming up, for those of you who have a sufficiently emo life, you can skip this entry!

    there are quite a few topics I want to emo about.

    First and foremost, school! School makes me want to play Connect 4 with my wrist as the paper and a blunt penknife as a pen. Attending school right now is the mental equivalent of watching grass grow. About the most productive thing I do in class is breath oxygen and make carbon dioxide for the plants in our school. I probably learn more about A level subjects staying at home playing WoW then I do attending school. The worst part is that our beloved chemistry teacher cannot accept that I can actually be productive outside school, and also cannot accept that I am a vegetable in school, and INSISTS I come to school.

    Emo rating : 10/10

    Second, my sleep schedule. My polyphasic sleeping schedule was working out fine UNTIL one day, I had to WoW for 8 hours on end, which led to me missing two naps and collapsing dead after that and sleeping for 4 hours on end. Now my body clock is more scrambled then mahjong tiles and I have no idea when to sleep and when not to because when I try to, I'm not tired enough and when I'm tired enough its way too hard to get up, or I'll just sleep through the 3 alarms ringing in my room.

    Emo rating : 6/10
    I can probably find some way to get around this its just damn irritating now.

    Third, studying for the A levels. Studying in general is retarded, but when you try to dress it up nicely with a reason and people feel OBLIGED to study, or worse, they feel they SHOULD study, that becomes even more retarded. If studying was supposed to better yourself so much, it should be self-evident to everyone that doing it would be in their own self-interest. If people feel its an obligation or anything like that, obviously they hate studying, they're just doing it because everyone else is doing it or because they think it might help them in the future and so they might as well suffer now to enjoy the rewards later. Let me introduce you to pehpeh's reality check. The reality check says regardless of how much you study now, unless you happen to be 1) one of the smartest people in Singapore (if you are you wouldn't be reading this trash anyway) or 2) really really lucky, you aren't going to enjoy a glorious future where you live in a mansion and are super rich etc. Regardless of your education, you are most likely going to end up living in a HDB flat, or a condo, slogging your way through a job you will likely hate, or will grow to hate. For this, you waste your childhood with your nose buried in books??? Sounds great, let me do it too!

    Emo rating 10/10

    In less emo issues, I want to watch the new Jackie Chan movie, I think its called Rob-b-ie Hood or something like that, no idea. And also, hi bonks, thanks for tagging!!!

    pehpeh at 8:50 PM

    Wednesday, September 20, 2006

    day 3

    my clairvoyant powers have once again come to the fore! today was a much much better day then yesterday. I'm gradually adapting to the sleep cycles and although I'm not strictly following any real fixed sleep schedule, it still seems to be working. I can go to sleep anytime I feel really really tired and wake up within 30-45 minutes and feel like I've slept a whole night. quick adaptation ftw!

    pehpeh at 8:14 PM

    Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    day 2 of the polyphasic sleep schedule!

    today was hell. the 1am - 5am period is complete hell. you feel half dead by the time you reach like 2 - 230 am and by 4 you're so stoned its all you can do to sit up straight. school was terrible. by terrible, I mean worse then the usual drudgery that is the mental equivalent of trying to walk through 1 metre deep mud in a sandstorm. I almost overslept in the library during one of the break periods and had to rush out for GP. asking me questions would have yielded you perfect answers. according to dilbert, the sign of a good analogy is that you have to explain it. so in this case, nothing is perfect, so asking me questions would have gotten you nothing for an answer. i think if you threw a ball at my face i would just walk straight into it and decided it hurt 5 seconds later. steps are hazardous. tomorrow will be a better day!

    pehpeh at 6:23 PM

    Monday, September 18, 2006

    To my dear blind friends takugo and yabbie, as much as I would like to think I am the super ultra godly yandao of the universe and have girls beg for my favour, I am more grounded in reality then that. Also, I have a really good optician to recommend. Please try and be more tolerant of my psychiatrist as well, he has a really overdeveloped Tourette's Syndrome case.

    In my latest experiment to further improve my slacking ability, I have turned to polyphasic sleeping! For the uninformed, the theory behind is that your sleep cycle is such that you only get about 3 hours of effective sleep out of your 8-9 hours. Polyphasic sleeping essentially conditions you achieve effective sleep within 15-30 seconds of falling asleep rather then going through the entire sleep cycle. What you do is sleep for half an hour every 4 hours or so, because half an hour in your old sleep cycle isn't enough for you to reach the effective sleep patterns. According to everyone who has tried this, the first week or so is hell as your body adjusts to your new sleeping pattern and conditions itself to achieve the effective sleep patterns as soon as you fall asleep. Thats more or less the theory.

    In practice, IT IS AN INSANE, RETARDED, STUPID (fill in more adjectives on my tagboard I'll add them in) IDEA. After going through 1 day of that and having to attend school, my eyeballs are ready to fall out of my head and bounce on the floor until they shrivel up and are carried away by ants. I feel like a zombie, I probably look like one, and I'm being extremely clumsy, like kicking the doorframe as I tried to walk through it or tripping over small things. But perserverance is important! And so is risk-taking! I will be extremely interested to find out if I fall over the steps on the overhead bridge to school tmr and roll all the way down. I always wanted an excuse to do that.

    of course, I had better ensure I can survive this. Right now the thought of having to go through a whole week feeling like this is appealing to me as much as using a blunt spoon to saw off my fingers 1 by 1.

    pehpeh at 11:02 PM

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006

    A realistic guide to your prelims.

    As everyone is busy getting stressed out and emo over how poorly they are doing for their prelims, I have decided to impart some of my boundless wisdom to the poor struggling masses.

    First, if everyone complaining to me did as poorly as they thought they would do, RJ would probably prop up the education table right up there with ITE West. Since RJ isn't there however, there is a very very high chance that all you complaining people are going to do alot better then you think. Or perhaps I am misinterpreting the countless complaints. Perhaps all the complainees perceive doing "well" as attaining 97% or greater for any said paper. In which case, go straight on complaining because I highly doubt you will attain said 97% or greater.

    Second, to all the guys out there who don't give a shit about your prelims as you know you are going off to serve the nation and the prelims mean less to you then the bird droppings on the canteen table, there is still opportunity to be found in the prelims. Every girl out there is complaining that she won't do well, won't get this grade, won't get that. Instead of ignoring it like you do normally, seize this opportunity to tell them "jiayoux!" or "you are super smart one sure can!" When they fail to acheive their required 97%, they will remember you as supportive and encouraging and come cry on your shoulder. A great opportunity for you people blind enough to fall for any JC girl!

    Third, do not look upon the prelims as a true reflection of the A levels. The prelims bear as much resemblance to the A levels as much as I do to Brad Pitt. The prelims are merely a means by which all teachers take revenge upon their students for the 2 years of hell you have put them through. Compressing 2 years of hell into 2 weeks is bound to leave you lying on the floor tortured and begging for it to end, which will satisfy your teachers no end. Instead, take the failures cheerfully with a huge smile on your face and deny your teachers their only opportunity to see you vegetabilized on a desk begging for mercy, as you have seen them so many times.

    Fourth, to everybody out there who thinks their prelim results matter to anyone, I suggest calling my psychiatric hotline at 94353835. Your prelim results, matter NOTHING. They could probably be classified as anti-matter and would explode the world once they come into contact with it. They only matter if 1) you are one of those exalted people who are likely to attain scholarships to everywhere in the world or 2) are delusional enough to think that they will help secure your place in some overseas university. In the first case, you're probably smart enough to get A1 4As and 3 distinctions and would hardly be reading my blog in the first place. In the second case, again, 94353835.

    Fifth, I don't really have a fifth point but 5 is a nice round number so I squeezed out one more.

    Hope this guide works for you as well as it worked for me, and goodluck to me on Friday!

    pehpeh at 6:45 PM

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006

    hihi, its the second day of school and im not in school!

    while everyone is sweating over their prelims, im sweating at home because of the fucked up weather we're having now. uninteresting as this blog update may be, i currently have no mood to attempt to attach pictures or rant about emo stuff in a plea for attention. instead, i will complain about my 4th finger.

    i never really appreciated my 4th finger until yesterday. beating odds greater then the 1 to 3250000000 odds that the NZ woman beat to win the lottery grand prize twice, i managed to put my hand on a section of the overhead bridge railing that was inhabited by a bee the size of half my finger. bees will be bees (hurhur), and it proceeded to take the wonderful opportunity to sting my 4th finger, which is now twice the size of all my other fingers. i wouldnt give a shit if it was on my left hand which would probably only inconvenience my pressing of wsad, but right hand fucking sucks. i use my right hand to move my mouse, to click, to dota, to carry stuff, to everything, and now its basically disabled. im typing this entry with 1 hand too.

    however, i will put dilbert philosophy to use. nothing in this world cannot be turned to your advantage. so i will complain tons, garner lots of sympathy from everybody, and tell my teachers i am unable to write and thus am unable to do their homework. AWRIGHT.

    pehpeh at 3:03 PM

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    too emo, stressed and tired to blog lately


    pehpeh at 6:42 AM

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